Wednesday, November 28, 2012

fuck you Fear.

I woke up today and I said "fuck you Fear"

fear of the future, fear of the present,
fear of what's happened, fear of what hasn't.
Get out of my head! Get out of my heart!
There is no role for you to play the part!

I looked into the hearts that I saw in my day.
your sickly touch affected them all in some way.
fear of their worth, fear of their stature,
fear of their parents, and fear of the here after.

fear of zombies and fear of pain,
fear of drought and fear of rain.
fear of mistakes,
fear of heartaches,
fear of failure, fear of success
fear of too little, fear of excess...

wait. stop. You almost sucked me in.
well played, Fear, but you will never win.
Taking care of yourself is hard sometimes.
When Fear takes advantage and plants land mines.

But I can bring joy, and I can bring peace,
I can help the best and feed the least.
I will be back tomorrow and every day after
because fear cannot conquer love and laughter.

I woke up today and I said,  "fuck you Fear".
(Insert battle cry here.)

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